Last Week, Best Week 2019: Day 5
It’s the last week of the year, why not go out with a bang? Over the last 7 days of 2019, I am going to walk you through 7 steps that will give you all the goodness and closure you need from this year and set you up for a super satisfying 2020.
Stuff’s getting real now. We’ve got goals, we’ve got priorities, and now we’re going to layout HOW you’re going to get it all done. Here’s what you’re going to do: For each priority (you should have 3 for each goal, so a total of 9) create 5 strategies. Continuing with the Money goal of being debt-free by the end of the year, if one focus area is Organization, some strategies might be:
Get all my financial passwords in one place,
Download a financial organization app like Mint,
Find out what my credit score is,
Get a file box and folders for saving paper financial records and correspondence
Make a recurring appointment for myself to pay bills and review statements
Go ahead and get into some basic tasks here; this is where the rubber hits the road. Make the strategies clear and actionable; use verbs. When you’re done, you will have 45 totally do-able strategies to pursue.