Give to Get is BS

Real estate pros, be honest, why is that ‘free’ moving truck wrapped with a giant picture of your face?

In our industry the ‘give to get’ mantra is overused and oversimplified. We make two big mistakes:
1. We serve, but really just to our own ends.
2. We give, but with expectation of reward.

Instead try taking a page from Elon Musk’s book: “You get paid in direct proportion to the difficulty of problems you solve”

Then get busy looking for problems. They’re easy to find!

  • Notice the teachers at your kid’s school are feeling a little worn out? Deliver some coffee and donuts tomorrow morning.

  • A friend is launching a business? Go visit it and Instagram the snot out of it.

  • Your stylist just get a new puppy? At your next visit, bring him an Oops Kit (clean up spray and a little scrub brush)

Does it matter if any of these people are thinking of buying or selling now or in the near future? No! If you do this often enough you will eventually come across someone who needs RE help, but in the meantime you will build a huge stable of quality relationships and a great reputation, both of which are part of the foundation of a sustainable business.

Do good. Do well.


The Third Currency: Emotional Capital


I Quit